Honeydew is a member of the melon family of fruits and usually has pale green sweet and juicy flesh inside a hard rind. Honeydew melons are a nutritious addition to your diet because they contain several vitamins and minerals. With only 60 calories per half cup, honeydew is a nutritionally beneficial fruit to add to your menu.
Nutrition Basics
Most of the 60 calories in a serving of honeydew come from its 14 grams of natural sugar. This sugar provides your cells with fuel to get through the day. A serving of honeydew also contains 1.4 grams of beneficial dietary fiber. Honeydew is low in protein and fat, and one serving provides less than a gram of each.
A potassium deficiency can result in an irregular heartbeat or an inefficency at pumping blood throughout your body. Many fruits supply a good dose of potassium and a 1-cup serving of honeydew will provide you with up to 8 percent of what you need each day. The water-potassium ratio on honeydew may also help prevent an increase in blood pressure. Add some cubed honeydew to your breakfast or lunch as a healthy side dish or mix with cantaloupe and watermelon chunks to create a mixed melon fruit salad.